Our advice team at Crest is always ensuring that we are up to date on the most recent legislative changes, technical strategies, or economic scenarios to ensure we provide our clients with the best advice so they can reach their goals.

AMP hosted their annual Professional Development Day on Monday 24th July to provide a platform for advisers around Australia to get the most up to date information on their licensees, technical and legislative changes and an economic update from their economic experts.

Our advisers and paraplanners attended the event held in the Broadmeadow Room at McDonald Jones Stadium with over 100 other advisers from Newcastle and surrounding areas.The team was updated on new strategies which have opened up due to the legislative changes in the most recent budget, and will be implemented across the firm over the coming years.

The development day ended with networking drinks to mingle with other professionals in the financial industry.

This event proved to be a great way to keep updated on new changes within the industry. The new knowledge learnt on this day will be passed onto clients, in order to further their knowledge in areas respective to their financial needs.

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